

at present用法 2023-01-14 17:27 579 墨鱼
at present用法


be present和attend的区别这两者均可译为“出席”。二者的区别是:attend强调的是过程,be present强调的是状presence N-SING出席;到场Someone's presence in a place is the fact that they are there. They argued that his presence in the 本站是提供个人知识管

Attend正式书面的表达形式,通常隐含着活动很重要。只是正式参加,但这并不意味着肯定会积极的参与。Go toalso means to be present at an event, like a conference, meeting, or p答案解析查看更多优质解析解答一举报attend 和be present均可译为出席,attend 强调的是过程,be present 强调的是状态. 解析看不懂?免费查看同类题视频解析

>ω< 这个问题问得很好,下面这个表格会告诉你它们的区别哟!attend, join, join in,take part in,participate之间的区别# 注意# attend 多数情况下是指出席了活动,但并不意味着参加者attendATTEND is the verb that means to go somewhere to become present there For example: After school, I will attend the football game. PRESENT means that you are there

˙﹏˙ attend注重参加(会议,party)动作presented注重状态在场eg 1 attend a party (参加派对)2 all the girl present wear dress(所有在场的女孩都穿裙子)attend 和be present均可译为出席,attend 强调的是过程,be present 强调的是状态.我来回答类似推荐有关be present at的用法be present at意思at present 与

attend 强调的是过程,be present 强调的是状态.attend是出席或者参加的意思,而presence则是在场的意思,区别可以从以下例子看出:I will attend the Sarah brightman concert tomorrow night, and I believe


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