
approaches to teaching english,situational language teaching

communicative teaching 2023-06-14 15:01 473 墨鱼
communicative teaching

approaches to teaching english,situational language teaching

There are ___ approaches to English teaching.But not all of them are equally efficient for our Chinese students. [ ] A. variety B. accurate C. original D. diverse1.approaches to teaching english as a foreign language 2.what can the artist do in the world of today 3.hit-and-run accidents 4.best ways to say I love you 5.where i lived, and what

【4】→缺点:阻止学生获得自然的语言输入(stopping students from getting natural language input);无法激活语言知识(failing to activate language knowledge);教授关于语言的知英语学习方法Approaches to English Learning InChina, thereare millions of people learning English which is regarded as the most frequentuse language in the world

ˋ﹏ˊ The question that all approaches to language teaching should answer is, „what is language?‟ The answer to this question is the basis for syllabus 5. approaches to teaching english as a foreign language ___ 6. criticisms on the ending of mark twain’s adventures of Huckleberry finn ___该篇高班

english as a foreign language Keys:Where I Lived, and What I Lived For Are Transgenic Crops Safe?Well-Known Dramatists of the Ming Dynasty A Day to Remember Approaches approaches to teaching english发音意思翻译英语教学方法相似词语短语approaches to───接近;约等于;通往…的方法approaches to doing───做……的方法approac


标签: situational language teaching



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