
用ought to造句,tough的例句

用be able to造句 2023-12-21 12:11 382 墨鱼
用be able to造句

用ought to造句,tough的例句

1、Theyought toapologize. 2、Sheought toslim. 3、Nursesought toearn more. 4、Youought tobe ashamed. 5、Somebodyought tobeat him! 6、Youought tocommaMaybe you ought to take his advice.也许你该接受他的劝告的。You ought to look through binoculars.你最好用望远镜观察。With her help, he ought to have no p

11、Conclusion: for those who are lacking in self-confidence, some special training on purpose ought to be advised.总结:对那些缺乏自信的人应该建议有意的进行一些特殊训练21、Everyone ought to live up to what he knows to be right. 自己认为对的,就应该在生活中去实践。22、I also know the pressure of trying to live up to a reputation

ought to造句复制1、Thatought tobe enough food for the four of us.(这些食物应该够咱们四个人吃了。2、The companyought todo something about the poor service.(公i ought to do的造句和例句:1. I ought to do something a bit more ambitious我应当做些更有雄心的事。2. Really i ought to do something for you我真的应该为你帮一点儿

ought语气略强,should较常用;ought在美国英语中用的很少,而should却相当常用;ought属正式用语。由于ought to 没有过去式,所以在直接引语变间接引语的过程中,ought to=should 句子:Maybe you ought to take his advice.也许你该接受他的劝告的.You ought to look through binoculars.你最好用望远镜观察.With her help,he


标签: tough的例句



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