

hate的短语搭配 2023-09-30 18:48 280 墨鱼


hate英语造句,1、I hate getting junk mail.我很讨厌收到邮寄宣传品。2、I hate to be a butt in sky, but what are you talking about我5. I hate standing in a line anyway. 不管怎么说,我讨厌排队。6. I don't so much dislike her as hate her. 与其说我不喜欢他倒不如说我憎恨她。7. The obverse of love

1、Ihateyou,hateyou,hateyou. 2、Ihateeverything Ihate. 3、Jonah: Ihateyou Ihateyou Ihateyou! 4、Ihatepurity, Ihategoodness! 5、Meet, , nothatelate,Above all else I hate the cold. 我最讨厌寒冷。常用搭配hate doing 不喜欢做某事;讨厌做某事;与生俱来厌恶hate crime n. 仇恨犯罪;憎恨犯罪同义词vt.|detest/turn awa

1. Snakes are my special hate. 蛇是我最憎恶的东西。hate 情景对话Tootacke-(牙痛) A:Oh!!! I have a horrible toothache. 哦,我的牙痛死了。hate在线翻译B:You shouldIhateyou,hateyou,hateyou. 我恨你,恨你,恨你。——精选例句◎ 比邻bi0.cn 9. I really, reallyhateher. 我真的,真的恨她。——精选例句◎ 比邻bi0.cn 10. Do youhatethe U

单词hate 例句大全,用单词hate造句:Hatebegetshate. 怨怨相报。Ihatehis pitiful act. 我讨厌他可鄙的行为。Love is opposed tohate. 爱和恨相反。Ihateto agree with Ya2、I hate unnecessary waste.我憎恨不必要的浪费。3、I hate to see you going to the bad.我不愿看到你堕落。4、There’s a fine line between love and hate.爱恨只有一线之隔。


标签: finger造句简单带翻译



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