

separated造句 2023-08-29 11:07 762 墨鱼


˙ω˙ 17、Beat back theswordinto the ploughshare 18、He girded his father'sswordon. 19、Fame can be a two-edgedsword. 20、Ionizing radiation is a two-edge01火星翻译译员需要填写基本信息,选择语言对,上传简历,资源经理审批后就可以参加测试了,一个月限考

sword什么意思sword 相关词组1. put to the sword : 杀死;sword 相关例句名词1. 1. Do you believe that the pen is mightier than the sword? 你相信笔杆的威力大于武我是绝对赞成前者,虽然我自己背单词的过程算不上轻松,但是这是必遭的过程,就像你造句不也得先认字?

单词SWORD 例句大全,用单词SWORD造句:America knight sword, eburnean haddle.美国圣殿士骑士剑,象牙柄Base of every three amino acids represent a password.一种简单的氨在此基础上,老师使用“Technology is a queer thing. It brings us great gifts with one hand, and it stabs us in the back with the other”呼应主旨句,并建议使用“doubl

?△? 1. 剑;刀a weapon with a long metal blade and a handle IDM put sb to the sword 用剑刺死某人to kill sb with a sword a/the sword of Damocles 达摩克利斯剑(喻指令人忧sword造句1、Iranian smiths will never make a sword which does not cut伊朗的工匠是不会做不能切割东西的刀剑的。2、For consumers, this is hanging over their heads o

thunder sword的造句和例句:1. The thundering sword神剑震江湖2. After the imperial security escort is slain by a mysterious traveling swordsman known only as the 13、swordfights must be fought with sharpswords.(剑战必须使用利剑。14、In another room, he saw on a table aswordand a loaf of bread, which he also took.(在另一


标签: rhythm造句



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