

conscience造句 2023-09-28 10:41 890 墨鱼


reward的.常用短语:用作名词(n.) in reward 用作动词(v.) reward for (v.+prep.) reward的用法例句:1. Current employment laws will be changed to rewar下面为您提供关于【reward造句】内容,供您参考。1、They didn't get eitherrewardor punishment for choosing the "pass" option, the uncertainty response.(

1、Winning the match was just reward for the effort the team had made. 赢得比赛的胜利是全队付出努力应得的回报。2、They are now reaping the rewards o“reward”造句如下:1、You deserve a reward for being so helpful.你帮了这么大的忙,理应受到奖励。2、Winning

∩﹏∩ 18、Still therewardwas also great, but let me skip thereward. 19、Some of them were encouraged with therewardof a sticker, others with therewardof vv.+n. get reward,give reward,receive reward,offer reward,deserve reward adj.+n. big reward,large reward,adequate reward,financial reward,substantial reward 权威英

(*?↓˙*) 1. Perhaps the reward will help. (也许)没准赏金能起些作用. 2. "That depends on what the reward is, Marcus. “这要取决于报酬是什么了,马库斯。”3. A high risk rewaLove is the reward of love.爱情就是爱的报答。Love is the reward of love .爱情就是爱得报答。Teachers also will reward us.老师也会奖励我们。Thirst after desert,


标签: meanwhile造句



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