
call up sb还是call sb up,break out

call初中必考短语大全 2024-01-07 23:43 730 墨鱼

call up sb还是call sb up,break out

6.call sb up的意思6.Callsbup=ringsb.up=call/ring/phonesb. 打电话足够的钱enough 修饰名词时不必5。7.Callsb.up=callsb. 给某人打电话6。8.Callsb.up– telephonesb.call sb up/ call up sb 打电话给某人call up 打电话、召集、使想起、提出【例句】The girl’s face called up in his mind the image of his dead wife. 这个

网络打电话给某人;召集令;代词放中间给某人打电话网络释义1. 打电话给某人Unit 2 What should I do? 4. out of style 过时的5.call up sb打电话给某人6. the same1.You can call onhim in his office or call at his house or call him up.你可以到办公室里拜访他,也可以到他家里去,还可以打电话给他。说明:call on somebody 是“拜访某人”

˙△˙ call sb up和call up sb区别如题,别复制扫码下载作业帮搜索答疑一搜即得答案解析查看更多优质解析解答一举报call up sb是召集人,call sb up是打电话给某call up 还有其他的意思:一、call sb up 1、意为”征召入伍“,例如:He was called up when the war began.战争开始时他被征召入伍。2、意为”选入,征调(运动员为国参赛

1.call sb up:当sb是不定代词的时候,只能是call sb up。2.call up sb:当sb是人名或指定的某人时候,可以用call ucall up 还有其他的意思:一、call sb up 1、意为”征召入伍“例如:He was called up when the war began. 战争开始时他被征召入伍。2、意为”选入,征调(运动员为国参赛)”,例如

23.call up sb=call sb up给某人打电话=give sb a call 24.worry about担心,忧虑25.raise money筹集钱26.travel alone独自旅行27.run out of用完,花完,耗尽(一般人做主语)loginForm.usertype,callback:function(r){e.$set(e.loginForm,"usertype",r)},expression:"loginForm.usertype"}},[t("el-radio-button",{attrs:{label:"student"}},[e._v("


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