
in fairness造句简单,in sadness造句

关于fairness的短语 2023-06-13 19:41 272 墨鱼

in fairness造句简单,in sadness造句

6.In all truth orfairness. 公平凭事实或公正-- 来源-- 英汉- 短句参考好评(10)差评() 7.ce andfairness 效率与公平-- 来源-- 英汉- 翻译参考[网络]好评(10)差评()fairness 造句/ 例句1. He has a good overall sense of justice andfairness. 他有良好的公正和公平的整体意识。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》2. They will continue to pap

(=`′=) 14、The CFS scheduler USES an appeasement policy that guaranteesfairness. 15、The values go back and forth infairnessand efficiency. 16、Health care这个英文单词的意思是公平简单造句如下Fairness is a must in the game

╯▂╰ 造句与例句手机版Jandov?provides additional vocals on the song " Undivided " from self-titled album and the 2010 single " Halt dich an mir fest " with Revolverhel13.公平谬误如果以自己是否“感觉公平(perceived fairness)”,来判断每一次事件,就会陷入这种“公平谬

>▂< 22、In fairness to Zuckerberg, he was pointing out a general trend and probably meant no disrespect.为扎克伯格说句公道话,他谈论的是一种总体发展趋势,且可能无意冒犯网络公正地;公平地;事实上英英网络释义un. 1. soastobejustandimpartial 2. usedformakingyourcriticismofsomeoneorsomethingseemlessstrong 下载手机版必应词典iOS Wind

But who understandsfairnessand unfairnesstoday? 但谁理解现在的公平和不公平?In allfairness, who does not think long term hold ah! 平心而论,谁不想长线持股啊!Its t用fairness造句用fairness造句1. The principle of fairness dictates that everyone should be treated equally under the law. 2. In order to ensure fairness in the hi


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