
look through,lookover

look back 2023-12-29 10:03 939 墨鱼
look back

look through,lookover

Look throughthis proposal for me, and tell me that you think of it. 替我好好看一下这个提案,并把想法告诉我. 期刊摘选Justlook throughhere and push this button. 从The meaning of LOOK THROUGH is to read or briefly examine some of the pages of (a book, magazine, etc.). How to use look through in a sentence.

Through the mist, through the wood 过迷雾,穿森林Through the mist, through the woods. Through the darkness and the shadows 过迷雾,穿森林。走过黑暗,走过阴影Pleaselook through 美英na.浏览;翻查;对…视而不见;看穿网络匀度;透视;澈底调查第三人称单数:looks through现在分词:looking through过去式:looked through 英汉英英网络释

⊙﹏⊙ look through的中文意思:看穿[识破](某人或,点击查看详细解释:look through的中文翻译、look through的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握look through这个短语。在英语口语中,“look through”也可以被用来指代细查,尤其是搜索犯罪嫌疑人所在的地方。例如,当警察要搜索一处嫌疑人可能出没的地方时,他们可能会说“Let look through this

˙▽˙ look through的意思是浏览; 仔细查看; 详尽核查; 温习; 看穿。1、读音,英[lʊk θruː],美[lʊWhen youlook throughthe spectacles of love, copper becomes gold. 透过爱的魔镜,铜会变成黄金。When night comes and the sky and Ilook throughenvy those who admire t


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