

try out造句子 2023-12-25 22:34 245 墨鱼
try out造句子


∪▽∪ get sth done发音意思翻译完成某事相似词语短语get it on───兴奋,激动get the bounce───被开除;与朋友或爱人绝交get it in one───把它放在一个盒子里let 参考例句Short-circuit the normal procedures to get sth done quickly为尽快办成某事不循正常手续.1 2 〈〉常用英语你好晚安永远加油当然惊喜微笑完美漂亮

1.Of the party be in office the position is not inherent, also not be get sth done once and for ever. 党的执政地位不是与生俱来的,也不是一劳永逸的。2.I advocate tget sth done 使某事被做好,请别人做某事get sth over and done with 完成,结束get done with 抓紧完成get things done n.真在做事get something done 让(别人)(做好

He get his hiar cut. 他理发了。We worked like crazy to get it done on time. 我们拼命地干,好按时完成这项工作。The great thing is to get it done quiget sth done意思是"做完某事"eg:I get my homework finished.我做完了我的作业(通常是由自己完成)而have sth done的意思是"让别人完成某事"eg:I have my hair c

Get用法小结:get sb do、get sb done、get sth done、get sth do,这些都是get作为使役动词的用法,理解为“使某人/物怎么样”1、get sb do"使某人做某事”后面接不带to的不定式。sbI need to get this report done by the end of today.我需要在今天晚上前完成这份报告。We need to get the project finished next week. 我们需要在下周完成这个项目。Yo

2.getsthdone就是havesthdone一个通俗的说法,表示让某事完成(实际的翻译要看句子。比如说Ihadmycarrepaired。就是我的车修好了。至于修的人是不是我,要看上下文。这个用法英文用get sth into sth 造句The problem got him into trouble.这个问题让他陷入困境.这个句子可以马?28395 get in done造句!您的问题很简单.呵呵.百度知道很


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