
be composed of造句,be involved in造句

make up的例句 2023-09-25 13:28 168 墨鱼
make up的例句

be composed of造句,be involved in造句

Affray Crime can onlybe composed ofby principals and active actors. 聚众斗殴罪只能由首要分子和积极参加者构成。Narration is composed of many sentences, so you shoThe force would be composed of troops from NATO countries.───该部队将由北约各国的军队组成。All matter is found to be composed of atoms and molecules.───(人

常见例句雙語例句The implants developed by the project will likely be composed of electrodes or optical fibers, and will sit on the surface of the brain.這個項目1、All right of family ethic not only is individual blessedness of ensure, also be community compose of base.良好的家庭伦理不仅是个人幸福的保障,也是社

⊙^⊙ 1.consist of不用于被动语态,不用于进行时态,但可用consisting作非谓语动词;2.表示被动意义时常用be made up of和be composed of。作谓语时,用法举例如下:The medical team co回答:Concrete is composed of cement, sand and gravel mixed with water. 混凝土由水泥、砂、石子与水掺和而构成。

virtualized network functions may be composed of one or several virtual machines that might be 例句The force would be composed of troops from NATO countries. 该部队将由北约各国的军队组成。Services can be composed of other services. 服务可由其它的服务来组


标签: be involved in造句



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