

关于spend的例句 2023-12-20 13:17 910 墨鱼


3. They usually spend their weekends shopping at the mall.(他们通常在周末去商场购物。二级标题2:描述花费时间和精力的用法除了表示支付金钱外,Spend还可以用来表达花I spend 3 hours in doing my homework./I spend 100 yuan on this dress.It costs me 3 hours to do my homework./This dress costs me 100 yuan.I pay 3 hours i

>^< 🌟spend some time doing sth 花费时间做某事🌟kill time by doing sth 做某事打发时间🌟do sth to fill the hours 做某事打发时间🌟mess around doing/with sth 鬼混、虚度时光🌱I网友解答:用spend造句代汉语I spend ten dollars on this pen. 这支笔是我花了十美圆买来的。spendon怎么造句?网友解答:spend +时间/金钱on sth./doing sth. I spent 5 ho

spend花费sb. spend 时间/钱on sth.sb. spend (in) doing sth 某人花时间/钱做facility /fspend造句复制1、Ispendat least six hours a week marking.(我每周至少要花六个小时批改作业。2、Why can't youspenda few bucks on a coat?(为什么你不能花几美元买件

●0● 用spend造句1、在使用spend时,主语只能是表示人的名词或代词。例句:Andy spent a lot of money on books. Andy花了很多钱买书。2、若表示"在上花费(时间、金钱等)",常spend spend[spend] 既可以指“花费”时间,也可以指“花费”金钱句子的主语通常是人例句1:I spent ten yuan buying thismovie ticket. 我花了十元买这张电影票。例句2:She spen

Ispend2 hours(in) doingmy homework. b.我花200美元买了一件裙子。Ispend200 dollarsona dress. Ispend200 dollars(in) buyinga dress. 3.物+cost sb. 金钱某物花费(某人)多少钱好吧,我付饭菜钱,你付酒水.I spent $100 on the bike.我花了一百美元买下那辆自行车.Those books cost me $100.那些书花了我100美元.It take me a lot of money to


标签: take和spend的区别用法



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