
用on board造句,用attendto造句

signin造句 2023-01-05 05:24 541 墨鱼

用on board造句,用attendto造句

on board造句1、The pirates tend to keep hostage crewson boardtheir own ships and feed them-sometimes by bringing live goats for slaughteringon boaron board英语造句,1、the universal time coordinated time on board the spacecraft.航空器上发生某事时的协调世界时。2、On board the ship I

on board造句1.Despite the storm, everyone on board was safe and sound.(虽然遇到风暴,船上所有的人都安然无恙。21.No patients were on board.(飞机上没单词on board 例句大全,用单词on board造句:Aircraft equipment.On boardinstrument with round dials, mechanical transmission tachometer. 航空器材。圆盘式机载仪表。机

●﹏● on board造句31、The pirates tend to keep hostage crewson boardtheir own ships and feed them-sometimes by bringing live goats for slaughteringon bo3、The power distribution can also be displayed on the onboard computer.驱动力的配置也能够在行车电脑上显示。4、Onboard computers handle energy management.车载电

1.In war-time, asonboardship, relationships deepen fast. 在战时,同在船上一样,关系加深得很快。- 来源-- 英汉- 辞典例句好评(13)差评() 2.Have the goodness toshipoYou are welcome on board.欢迎您(你们)来到飞机上。或者:It is so nice to have you on board.有你在真的是太好了。

╯△╰ 18、Come on, folks: geton boardwith ditching the outdated tip system. 19、Medical emergencies like this often occur on aircraft, and there are not aboard造句1、calculatingboard 2、scatteringboard 3、aboardmeasure = 1980boardfeet. 4、dual otterboardsystem 5、digital whiteboard 6、We canboardnow


标签: 用attendto造句



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