

用star造句 2023-12-01 12:55 742 墨鱼


Rain is spreading from thewest. 雨正从西边袭来。牛津词典He lives to thewestof (= furtherwestthan) the town. 他住在这个城镇以西的地方。牛津词典I was born in Jawestern造句复制1、They were discussing the problems ofwesternsociety.(当时他们正在讨论西方社会的问题。2、There were fears that some of thewesternhostages migh

(-__-)b west造句复制1、westHampstead has a variety of good stores and supermarkets.(西汉普斯特德有几家不同的高品质商店和超市。2、Arco says 20% ofwestCoast drivers waneast [iːst]n. 东方;东风;东方国家adj. 东方的;向东的;从东方来的adv. 向东方,在东方eg:He progressed slowly along the coast in an easterly direc

6、She's walking east towest, and Iwestto east. 7、On the "west" in The Romance of West Chamber 8、Fastest knobs in thewest. 9、a south east(west) wWest End造句1、Good. Then we'll be inWest End! 2、It's just finished itsWest Endrun, ie in theWest Endof London. 3、play the lead in the newWest E

1.〔常作the west〕西,西方,西部(地方)。2.〔the W-〕西洋;西欧;〔有时作W-〕〔美国〕西部。3.西风。adj.西的,西部[方]的;在西的;向西的;(风等)从西面来的。adv.在西,单词WEST 例句大全,用单词WEST造句:The AmericanWestmay have accommodated thousands of rugged individuals spread over the vast frontier. 这一见解未能在美国广袤空旷


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