
gotothedentist造句,because of造句简单一点

Go to the dentist等于什么 2023-12-11 23:58 272 墨鱼
Go to the dentist等于什么

gotothedentist造句,because of造句简单一点

runitunderwater,gotothehospital,restforafewdays,putherheaddown,hurthisback,gethitonthehead,press,nosebleed,haveano1.I will go to thedentist (牙医) tomorrow. 试题答案在线课程分析明天我将去看牙医. 解答答案:dentist. 根据题干I will go to the--(牙医) tomorrow.可知句意为:明天我将

1 I have to go to the dentist tomorrow. 我明天得去看牙医。2 He keeps putting off going to the dentist. 他把看牙医的事一拖再拖。3 I finally screwed up my courage单词dentist 例句大全,用单词dentist造句:Thedentistwas barred from practicing because of his irresponsibility. 由于不负责,这个牙医被禁止从业。She will pile on th

1、go to the doctorto Be overhauled 2、I don't want togo to the doctor. 3、If you are ill, you mustgo to the doctor. 4、You'd bettergo to the doctor1、去看牙医的英语:Gotothedentist,英[ɡəʊtuðəˈdentɪst]美[ɡoʊtuðəˈdentɪst]。2、我明天得去看牙医。Ihavetogotothedenti

1、I have to go to thedentisttomorrow.(我明天得去看牙医。2、I have a toothache. I need to see adentist.(我牙痛,我得去看牙医。3、I'm going to see adentist.(我1.去看牙医,英语Gotothedentist,英[ɡəʊtuðəˈdentɪst]美[ɡoʊtuðəˈdentɪst]2.我明天得去看牙医。Ihavetogo

嘴是什么3. Why don't you shut up,you 你为什么不闭上你的嘴,你。。。4.I have to go to the dentist.我的嘴痛死了。danci.911cha|基于2个网页1、go to the dentist:go的基本意思是“离开原来的地方向别处挪动”。引申可表示“去,走,旅行,前进”“离开,离去”“死,垮,坏”“放弃,消失,停止存在”“


标签: because of造句简单一点



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