
notice of,教育博士屋的地址

notice可数嘛 2024-01-05 20:15 335 墨鱼

notice of,教育博士屋的地址

1.notice作名词,意为"布告,公告,启事",是可数名词。如:There is a notice on the office gate saying "No Parking". 办公室门口上贴着一张"禁止停车"的告示。We have put atake notice of基本解释注意到;在意;睬;理睬网络释义1. 注意,理会2. 注意,留心3. 理会4. 留心take notice of的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释I

notice by 从…注意到 notice of appeal 上诉书词义辨析notice, note, observe和perceive的区别这组词都有“注意”“观察”的意思。其区别是:1、perceive指使用各种感觉器官去网络拒绝之通知;拒付通知;拒绝通知网络释义1. 拒绝之通知条文e7---拒绝之通知(Notice of Refusal) 条文e8---正本及副本(Originals and Copies) 条文e9---签发日期(Date of

1. take no notice of : 不注意,不理采;2. without notice : 不预先通知;3. take notice : 注意;4. sit up and take notice : 突然注意,渐渐康复;5. come into nnotice的用法一.notice作名词,意为"布告,公告,启事",是可数名词。如:There is a notice on the office gate saying "No Parking". 办公室门口上贴着一张"禁

●▂● 1、reasonablenotice ofabandonment 2、notice ofintended dividend 3、arrivalnotice ofcontainer 4、notice ofclaim clause 5、notice ofdeposit 6、acceptanleave without notice take no notice of Notice is hereby given that bring sth into public notice at short notice be beneath sb's notice bring sth to sb's notice


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