
do with sth,succeed

pick up 2023-09-24 16:08 910 墨鱼
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do with sth,succeed

“withsthtodo”是一个复合结构,用于表示某人有某事要做。其中,“with”为介词,“sth”为某个具体的事情,“to do”为不定式结构,表示要做的动作。这个结构通常放在句子的末尾do with 是什么意思及中文翻译:需要读完处理与…相处包含do with的单词withindoors<古>在户内withoutdoors<废>在户外,在野外包含do with的短语do away with 废

10. agree with sb、同意某人agree to do 同意做…agree on表示“就达成协议”11. It's fun to do sth、做某事很有趣12. encourage sb to do sth:鼓励某人做某事13. toHave problem in doing sth.做某事有问题3.Want to do sth.想做某事4.Be willing to do sth.愿意做某事5.Help sb with sth.帮助某人做某事6.Grow up 长大,成长7.Because of

deal with sth.意为“处理/解决某事”deal with sb. 意为“对付/应付某人”do with :意为“处置;与相处”,强调处理的对象,常与疑问词what连用。do withdo with的意思、解释do with 基本解释do with 处理;需要;读完;与…相处do with 相关例句ph. 1. What are we going to do with the problem? 我们将怎样来处理这个问题

╯^╰ do sth with结构是do something with the seed。这里,with 表示“涉及;针对”之意,with the seed 作状语。with 表达此意最常用的搭配是:be involved with;be concerned with。could do with sth (表示需要或希望有)想要,需要used to say that you need or would like to have sth; to need or want something 可以把这个结构理解为一个习语来记忆和


标签: succeed



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