

花花朵英语 2023-12-07 09:45 495 墨鱼


收到许多礼物问题补充:匿名2013-05-23 12:21:38 Get a lot of presents 匿名2013-05-23 12:23:18 received many gifts 匿名2013-05-23 12:24:58 Receives many gift篇1:英文收到礼物的感谢信dear laura, i was truly enraptured beyond expression to receive your flowers which turn edour living room into a garden. how considerate

收到许多礼物Receive many gifts 重点词汇释义礼物gift; present; giving; tribute 183 评论12小时前发布Shiro白小白I got a lot of presents 331 评论12小时前发布Nicole20041414 i gaYou suddenly feel very strange but I really can't leave you because I love you wife 您突然感觉非常奇怪,但我不可能真正地留下您,因为我爱你妻子[translate] a收到许多

查看更多因为我可以收到很多礼物用英语怎么说?Because I can get a lot of presents 24129 收到许多礼物用英语怎么说recieve a lot of presents 32868 “收a问题与对策Question and countermeasure[translate] a可以发短信吗?May send the short note?[translate] a收到了许多礼物Has received many gifts[translate]

我收到礼物英文篇一那一天,我们在学校遇见,她说:“明天就是我生日了,你要送我什么呢?”我很兴奋,因为她什么时候生日这个问题,我已经问过她许多次了。她每次都篇1:昨天我收到了我朋友的一封信的英文dear wang yan, i enjoyed your hospitality during my three-day stay in tianjin.your new house is very beautiful,and your cooking is

英文翻译I received many gifts 重点词汇礼物───gift;收到───received 双语使用场景you like the chocolatesgift-wrapped?───你要把巧克力糖打成礼品包吗?The w她收到了许多礼物。她收到了许多礼物。的英文翻译基本释义She got a raft of presents. 分享单词到:


标签: 最喜欢的月份英语



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