

promise名词造句 2023-12-31 17:05 781 墨鱼


produce造句复制1、It willproduceelectricity more cheaply than a nuclear plant.(它将以比核电厂更低廉的成本生产电力。2、Theproducewas labelled "Made in China."(1、producea stage play;producea videotape. 2、animals thatproducemilk 3、Toproduceby lithography. 4、producedeflation in. 5、Home - make(produce)art

vt.生产;引起;创作;生育,繁殖n.农产品,产品速记技巧词根词缀法大家都认识introduce v.介绍,引进、带来。有引进、引荐的意思。produce和introduce肯定有某种联系。而produ题目稍微改一点点,自己背的东西就用不上了。【三步思路】我们对于作文的学习和规划可以分为三步走,包括:前期的造句和语法练习,还有中期的模仿练习,和最后针对性的模考。我们可以

ˋ﹏ˊ 造句:Covid-19 had quickly truned into a pandemic disease since its first outbreak. 病毒感染不止于新冠,而未来新病毒的爆发又会触发新一轮的戒备:And covid-19 may not be t当然,并不是所有的酗酒者和吸毒者都会生育出不正常的后代。5. Spending could outrun the capacity of businesses to produce the goods. 消费有可能超出企业的产能。6. We

■生育,生(幼崽):Female sheep produce one or two lambs at a time.母羊一次生一至两头羊羔。■【经济学】生利,产生利益:Money at interest produces an income.有利息的钱生产:生育;生产:例句:produce offspring.繁衍后代To create by physical or mental effort:制作,制造:以脑力或体力劳动的方式创造出:例句:produce a tapestry; produce a poe

All produce is organic, unless otherwise stated. 所有产品都是有机的,除非另作说明。Lots of produce is covered in pesticides. 许多产品都有农药残留。When we go out造句:Would you look at the fresh agricultural produce? Yammy.Our cat produced 3 little cats last night.Produce的英文解释:to make something or bring something into exi


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