
is taking off,i am taking off

staking 2023-12-05 18:57 656 墨鱼

is taking off,i am taking off

The Electric Car Future Is Finally Taking off 今年有望成为电动汽车业起飞转折点There have been many false dawns for the electric car. France and the UK were among the pifinancial crisis starting from 2008. But that is a shock to every economy. I think it's back on track. In a couple of days, we're going to know whe

一、is taking off与will take off的区别

Weworkhard,butoftenfailtotakethetimeoffneededforustoreset,rechargeandmaintainourphysicalandmentalhealth.Takingthetimeoffweneedisnotsomethingthatshouldbeseenasalux解答答案是is taking off.本题考查进行时表示将来;英语中表示位移的瞬间动词常常用进行时表示将来,表示按计划很快就要发生的动作;根据语境可知,题干提醒乘客飞机"很快就要起

从语境可知飞机马上就要起飞了,所以用is taking off;而按照时刻表规定的要发生的事情要用一般现在时表示将来,所以第二个空用takes off,故答案选B。句意:快点!飞机就要起飞了takingoff 英['teɪkɪŋɡɒf]美['teɪkɪŋɡɒf] n.除去(取下;起飞;开卷;放线) 起飞开卷除去(取下放线) takingoff的用法和样例:例句No one was hurt in the incident

taking offhisjacket.•This is yourCaptainspeaking. We areduetotake offin fiveminutes.•Hetook offthe oldhandleandfixeda new one in its place.•Astandarddetergentshouldtake most of thBusiness is taking off是啥意思呢❓❗️ 赶紧学起来吧英语|英语学习|实用英语|地道英语|日常英语|英语句子|零基础英语|零基础口语|英语vlog|日常口语|英语日常|英语视频|旅游英语

1.Take off your shoes and come into the house. 脱鞋进屋吧。2.She felt the plane taking off. 她感到飞机在起飞。3.He took off his black coat. 他脱下他的黑外套。4Theplanistakingoffinaminute. 计划将在一分钟内实施zhidao.baidu 7. Whenflying saucerlanding,thefatherisoutfromthebathroom.11.Whenmyhaircutatthetimeanaircraftis


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