

land着陆造句 2023-12-31 16:45 808 墨鱼


[ 'tempə ] 发音:用"temper"造句n.1.气质;性情,脾气。2.情绪,心情;激动的情绪,激愤,暴躁。3.特征,倾向。4.(黏土的)黏度;灰泥的)稠度;钢等的)锻炼;淬硬,回火;淬火度;含碳单词temper 例句大全,用单词temper造句:an edgytemper. 急躁的性情an inequabletemper. 多变的脾气He is ardent intemper. 他性情急躁。I almost lost mytemper. 差一点

+^+ 3. temper的翻译3. 心情:近来心情(temper)郁闷,总有感慨无数. 一人闯荡在外,起初觉得挺酷. 如今回头一看,寂寞凄惨无助. 自小练文习武,觉得是个人物. 没想老大不小,仍然没人1. The old man has an explosivetemper. 这个老人的脾气很暴躁。2. The workmen struggled fiercely and one of them lost histemper. 工人凶猛抗争,其中一人发了火。3. T

lose one's temper造句lose one's temper 生气I am sorry I lost my temper, but I was upset. 很抱歉我失去理智了,不过我真的很生气。I lost my temper with the bosstemper造句复制1、He had a terribletemper, and sometimes he would completely lose control.(他脾气暴躁,有时会完全失控。2、She broke the plates in a fit oftemper

19、I am not withouttemper, but I am reluctant to lose mytemperwith you. 20、Mytemperyou touch through, yourtemperI also lazy tube. 21、to get into atemper的造句和例句:1. Do n't lose your temper over such a trifle ..不要为这点小事发脾气。2. With an effort he controlled his temper .他竭力按捺住自己的怒气。内

Come back when you're in a better temper. 心情好些时再回来。来自牛津词典8. to be in a bad, foul, etc. temper 心情不好、很坏等来自牛津词典9. good-/bad-tempered6. Don't lose your temper over such a trifle. 不要为这点小事发脾气。7. Stop acting like a child with your bad temper! 不要耍小孩子气!8. Don't try to get at him


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