

absolutely口语意义 2024-01-01 12:01 915 墨鱼


折叠编辑本段双语例句But absolutely could you do that. Yeah? 你们也可以完全那样做,是吗?Absolutely not! Only you, Mama. Only you. 绝对不是!圆老济棉absolutely造句1. Absolutely no one is allowed to enter the building without proper identification. 2. The view from the top of the mountain was absolutely breath

1、It'sabsolutelyfilthy in here.(这里面脏得不得了。2、I amabsolutelylivid about it.(我对此恼怒至极。3、Don't scoff—she'sabsolutelyright.(别嘲笑她—她绝对正确6. Why not since I declined his offer absolutely? 为什么不能?要知道我斩钉截铁地拒绝他了。7. Henri did absolutely nothing at all. 享利什么也不干。8. They are abs

⊙▂⊙ 10、This soup isabsolutelyfoul. 11、I wasabsolutelydesperate to see her. 12、I'd beabsolutelydelighted to come. 13、The subtlety of color isabsolute用absolutely造句Absolutely, she was thrilled to receive the promotion she had been working towards for years. Her hard work and dedication had finally paid off,

英文例句大全为您提供absolutely英文例句大全,absolutely英文造句,关于absolutely的英语句子,单词absolutely怎么造句,absolutely英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于absol双语例句1. The car park wasabsolutelypacked solid with people. 停车场被人挤得水泄不通。来自柯林斯例句2. There are thousands of studentsabsolutelygagging to come to this university


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