
用be familiar with造句,if necessary造句

familiar 2023-06-10 17:52 657 墨鱼

用be familiar with造句,if necessary造句

be familiar with造句1、Tobe familiar withthe Four Books 2、Be familiar with the process and requirement of the stitchwork, have the skill of procesbe familiar with sb,表示“与某人有交情”be familiar with sth,表示“熟悉、精通某物”造句嘛.好吧,来两句:1.I'm familiar with her.(我和她有交情)2.I'm not familiar wit

be familiar with sb,表示“与某人有交情”be familiar with sth,表示“熟悉、精通某物”造句嘛.好吧,来两句:1.I'm familiar with her.(我和她有交情)2.I'm not1. I am familiar with this area.我对这个地区很熟悉。2. He is not very familiar with the culture here.他对这里的文化不是很熟悉。3. I need to be more familiar with

be familiar with造句复制1、Anyone who has children willbe familiar withaluminised party balloons.(任何有孩子的人会对铝派对气球很熟悉。2、Counsellors willbe fafamiliar with英语造句,1、Be familiar with assembly process with concept of molding and stamping.熟悉装配流程,对注塑和冲压有所了解。2、

be familiar with sb,表示“与某人有交情”be familiar with sth,表示“熟悉、精通某物”造句嘛.好吧,来两句:1.I'm familiar with her.(我和她有交情)2.I'm nYou willbe familiar withthe positive trends in all these areas. 你们将会了解到所有这些领域的良好发展趋势。Be familiar withthe law of tax, finance management; cos

be familiar with的用法造句优质解答be familiar with sb,表示“与某人有交情”be familiar with sth,表示“熟悉、精通某物”造句嘛.好吧,来两句:1.I'm famibe familiar with造句:1、Here is a deductive argument; you will be familiar with this one.这里有一个演绎的论点,你们会熟悉这个的。2、You should be familiar with h


标签: if necessary造句



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