
out of work造句,add up造句

keep in mind造句 2023-12-14 10:04 365 墨鱼
keep in mind造句

out of work造句,add up造句

20、a big drop in the number of peopleout of work 21、There has been a sharp rise in the number of peopleout of work. 22、Jack: He's beenout of workwork out造句work out造句1. I'm hoping to work out a solution to this problem. 2. My parents want me to work out more often. 3. I'm trying to work out what happen

1、out of work造句简单

8. She worked out her anger by punching a pillow. 9. I need to work out the details of my presentation before I give it. 10. He worked out a budget for his new buout of work造句如下:Tom is out of work. 用out of work造句例二:He has been out of work for one yera. 标签:outof 用九牛一毛写一段话如何写?有关时间的造句

2、out of work造句子

My husband is out of work. 我的丈夫失业了。I just do not want to run all day long out of work. 我想找个不需要成天往外跑的工作。Some of us have been out of work out of work造句1、People areout of work. They are hurting.(人们正在失去工作,经受痛苦。2、Hundreds were thrownout of work.(数以百计的人遭到解雇。3、The region has also been hit h

3、用out of work造句带翻译

Hundreds were thrown out of work. 数以百计的人失去了工作。He was out of work for three years and did not qualify for state aid, so that he was practically on the55."I'm outofwork andoutofmoneyand I've got to get something,-- it doesn't matter what. “我没有工作,也没有钱,我必须找些事情做--不管什么事情都行!-- 来源-- 英汉

4、用work out an outline造句

19、And after a strenuous workout, dog and human get to flop out. 20、You can find a plethora of free workouts and workout tips online. 21、Has your32.turn out 结果是My trip to London didn’t turn out quiet as planned. 33.call for 要求,需求;去取This kind of work calls for a lot of patience. 34.channel…into…把(精力等)贯注于


标签: add up造句



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