
loud applause,Loud音乐

applause 2023-09-26 23:05 912 墨鱼

loud applause,Loud音乐

The audience burst into thunderousapplause.───全场掌声雷动. She got a resounding round ofapplause.───她赢得一片热烈掌声。英语使用场景He left the arena to WhenIreachedtheparking lot,Icouldhearloudapplausecoming from thebus.The other teachers greatlyadmiredmyspiritandenergy! 当我第一个走到停车场时,车上响起了雷鸣般的

?△? The stillness was rent by thunderous applause. 雷鸣般的掌声打破了寂静。As the President's car arrived, the crowd broke into loud applause. 总统的汽车到达时,群众His speech met with loud applause.他的演讲获得热烈的鼓掌。~+ prep. -phrase Applause for the performance rang out from the audience.观众中迸发出一阵鼓掌声,为表

A ripple of laughter, voices,applause 一阵轻柔起伏的笑声、说话声、掌声. As the President s car arrived,the crowd broke into loud applause. 总统的汽车到达时,群众中爆发出loud applause/laughter 英美响亮的掌声/笑声分享单词到:

Loud applause followed. 隨后響起了熱烈的掌聲。A spatter of applause 處處涌現出的新住宅區Enthusiastic applause;acclamation. 熱情的稱贊;歡呼Enthusiastic,prolonge1. 13kb The entire audience broke into loud applause. 全场观众爆发出响亮的掌声。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》2. 15kb The announcement drew loud applause from the


标签: Loud音乐



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