
小学英语Can的造句,l will造句大全

用can’t造句5个简单 2023-09-20 15:27 464 墨鱼

小学英语Can的造句,l will造句大全

用can造句子5个1. I can swim across the pool in less than a minute. 2. I can speak three languages fluently. 3. I can solve this math problem without a calculator一、用情态动词can造句10个如下:He can speak English and French.他会讲英语和法语。It can get quite cold here at night.夜间这里可能很冷。If you won't keep

can 造句/ 例句1. Nobodycangainsay his claims. 没人能够反驳他的说法。《牛津词典》2. Exercising alonecanbe boring. 独自一个人锻炼可能会很无聊。《柯林斯英汉双解(1)微笑微笑让人觉得有亲和力,觉得你自信活泼,在评分中占一定的比重!!!不要板着脸,尤其是小学

∩0∩ 1、Can also get,cannot alsocan! 2、Can youcanacanas acannerycanscan? 3、Icanopen thecan. 4、If Ican, youcan. 5、Thiscanopenercanopen anycanthat anyc篇1:can的用法总结并造句The resources at our disposal could have been better utilized. 我们所掌握的资源本来可以利用得更好,获得更高的`效益。You can't stop people saying

(1)陈述句主体结构均由“主+谓+宾”构成,但英语句子的修饰成分位置可以很灵活,结构方面比汉语更加严谨,要求严格的主谓对应,且主干分明。因此,英语陈述句的造句中应该首先把主、谓、can造句复制1、Drugscankill.(毒品可以致死。2、canyou do (the) backstroke?(你会仰泳吗? 3、Nobodycangainsay his claims.(没人能够反驳他的说法。4、canI take a p


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