
try out造句,move on to造句

try out的用法总结 2023-06-12 14:41 453 墨鱼
try out的用法总结

try out造句,move on to造句

5、Thetryoutof one month would end soon, but Liubei hadn't sold out even one comb, nor had Guanyu. 6、The main task and purpose oftryoutis to removetry out造句1. I am going to try out a new recipe tonight. 2. She tried out different methods to finish the task. 3. I tried out a few different sports to see whi

˙^˙ try out造句复制1、try outthe debugger next.(接下来请尝试调试器。2、try outthis private situation.(尝试使用这个私有情景。3、try outa new hairstyle.(尝试一个2、First, can I give a fairtryoutindoors to players wishing to try out for the squad? 第一,我能为那些渴望加入球队的球员们组织公平公正的室内选拔测试吗?3、Develop

tryout 造句/ 例句1. Harry did not think he could stand another full-Housetryout. 哈利觉得他再也不能忍受搞一场全院选拔赛了。youdao 2. It was proved bytryoutthat19、If you are interested in trying this out, Futuregen and Untangle can provide you with a free demo for youtry out. 20、Shi Bi was supposed totry

词语:try out.造句:We try out for this Experiment project.我们尝试这次实验项目。很高兴为您解答,祝您学习进步!【紫禁之颠】团队为您答题。有不明白的可以1. 我们将进行一场足球赛,如果你想参加,你需要先进行一次试训来进行try out. (We will have a soccer game, and if you'd like to join, you need to have a try out first.)


标签: move on to造句



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