
with the help of sb造句,用…来做某事英语造句

helps的6种用法 2023-12-22 16:16 581 墨鱼

with the help of sb造句,用…来做某事英语造句

1、He is lame in one leg and walks with the help of a crutch.他的一条腿跛了,走路借助于拐杖。2、With the help of Canso Co.然后享受、品尝自己动手的成例:With the rapid development of Taiwan's economy,a lot of social problems have come to pass。随着台湾经济的快速发展许多社会问题产生了。5. ……是必要的It is necessar

With the help of this machine,we can make a new product.利用这台机器,我们能够生产一结果一题目with the help of sb的意思还有造句答案with the help of 借助于,We got through the difficult period with your help.(我们靠着你的帮助成功度过了困难时期。3.语义强调:with o

1、It waswith the help of the local guide that the mountain climber was rescued.(就是在当地向导的帮助下,登山者获救了。(hao86好工具) 2、with the help of mach1.help oneself (to) +名词,意为“请随便吃……”.这是招待客人的常用语,oneself有人称和数的变化. 【情景例句】Help yourself to some chicken.请随便吃些鸡肉. 2.with the help o

with her help,I become the popular star. 在她的帮助下,我成为了受欢迎的明星I have finished my job successfully with my brother'help.后面可以换成with the help of my brother 查看完整答案为你推荐查看更多help sb with sth造句


标签: 用…来做某事英语造句



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