
用set up造句简单,用get off下车造句

a large number of造句 2023-06-12 14:06 762 墨鱼
a large number of造句

用set up造句简单,用get off下车造句

set up 造句1. I need to set up a meeting with my team to discuss the new project. 2. Can you help me set up the tent for our camping trip this weekend? 3. The IT1.学生能够听说,认读rabbit, panda, monkey, dog, cat, duck等有关动物名称的单词,并能用英语介绍各种动物。2.理解感叹词所表达的感情,并能够在实际生活中加以运用。3.能够顺畅流

put on 穿上(衣服),戴上(帽子) put up 张帖set up 竖起,建起set off 出发,动身set out 出发send for 派人去请take one s advice 听从某人劝告take out 拿出,取出take down set up英语造句,1、They set up home in the woods.他俩在林子里建了个家。2、They are going to dam up the river to set up a hydropow

用set-up造句子导读1.Troops tried to set up a lookout post inside a refugee camp.(军队试图在一个难民营里设一个瞭望台。造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定58、Ihave',heremarkedwithpardonablepride,'donewhatIsetouttodo.' 59、他们一同在布赖顿的一个小公寓里安了家。60、为集团公司提供风险保障而建立起来的子

set up造句简单1. I need to set up a meeting with my boss to discuss my performance. 2. My friend helped me set up my new computer and it's working perfectly now用set up造句简单1. She had decided for taking the entrance exam. 她决定参加入学考试. I took the entrance exam but didn't get in. 我参加了入学考试但

所以目前在山东,若你是只是想升个本,有个本科学历就行,那这很简单,当然,这不意味着你就不用备考set-up造句复制1、Troops tried to set up a lookout post inside a refugee camp.(军队试图在一个难民营里设一个瞭望台。haO86 2、A working party has been set up


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