
catch hold of造句,a kind of造句

on holiday造句 2023-09-30 16:45 488 墨鱼
on holiday造句

catch hold of造句,a kind of造句

catch hold of 抓住;拥有例句:You must catch hold of this rope. 你必须抓紧这条绳子。Hansen seemed to catch hold of himself. 汉森似乎找到了自己的信心。Catch hoCatch hold of this rope when I throw it to you. 我把绳子扔给你时,抓住它. 互联网2、Here, catch hold of this parcel. 嘿,接住这个包. 互联网3、She catch hold

?▽? 1、Hansen seemed tocatch hold ofhimself. 2、You mustcatch hold ofthis rope. 3、Are you beginning tocatch hold ofour methods now? 4、When Bob tried t三、catch hold of,意为“抓住”,例如:I tried to catch hold of her to break her fall, but I failed.我试图抓住她以减轻她的坠落,但我失手了。If you want to climb over th

Catch hold of this rope when I throw it to you.───我把绳子扔给你时,抓住它. Catch hold of this rope—Will the roof bear?───抓住这根绳子——屋顶能受得了吗?Ha1.catchholdof; grasp hold of 抓住;握住;找到;搞到-- 来源-- 英汉- 翻译样例- 学习好评(11)差评() 2.Catchholdof this rope when I throw it to you. 我把绳子扔给你时,

Hold ona minute, I need to get my coat. Log on to perform the actions that allow you to begin using a computer system 登录It's a great website and hundreds of people catch hold of 读音汉语翻译抓住例句:I threw the rope and hecaught hold ofit. 我把绳子扔了过去,他一把就抓住了。Hecaught hold ofthe dog by its muzzle. 他抓住狗

Catch hold of; grasp hold of抓住;握住;找到;搞到"When the Ball is slippery, it is hard to catch hold of.""当球滑时,很难抓住。She was so round and rolly-l used t单词:catch hold of 英式:kætʃ həʊld ɒv] 美式:kætʃ hoʊld əv] 单词解释英语中catch hold of多种词性的用法及解释抓住,握住短语短句如果您正


标签: a kind of造句



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