
owe to造句,approve of造句

consequence造句 2023-11-30 09:32 352 墨鱼

owe to造句,approve of造句

I owe a great to my parents. 我欠父母的情很多。He owes his success to good luck. 他的成功全造运气。I owe thanks to you for your help. 我得谢谢你帮owe to 英[əʊ tu] 美[oʊ tu] 归功于常用牛津中考高考四级六级考研影视原声常用双语例句1. Youoweittoyourself to take care of your body. 为了你自己你必须爱护你的身体。

26、What is life, Ioweyou, I wait for the opportunity to return, youoweme, I don't care, you remember. 27、Life is a practice. Othersowethemselves, He owed his success to his parents!他把自己的成功归功于他的父母They told him to stay away from these people他们让他不要和这些人接近

owe to造句31、Frequent world, hundreds of thousands of tears,owe too many centuries of encounter. 32、Humanity, don'towe too much, not too bad, popowe造句类型英语造句1、I make it ten pounds forty-three youoweme. Let's call it ten pounds.(我算下来你欠我十英镑四十三便士。就算作十英镑吧。2、Iowea debt of th

单词"owe to" 通常用于表示某人因某种原因而感激或是欠着某人的人情。例句I owe my success to my hard work and dedication. (我成功的原因是因为我的努力和奉献。We owowe to造句1. I owe my success to the support of my family and friends. 2. He owes his life to the hero who rescued him from the burning building. 3. She owes her


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