
the most of people,clothes复数

fear 2023-12-31 10:38 206 墨鱼

the most of people,clothes复数

the most of people 对。其中的most 是名词。most of people 应为most of the people。其中的most 是代词,意思是某一已知整体中的“大部分”,因此后面应该是Most people / most of the people 大多数人Most people like spicy food. 大多数人都喜欢吃辣的食物。For how many people? 几个人用餐?For two persons. / for two people.

7.With millions of people likely to take on DIY projects over the comingweeks, new research shows that more than half of people are planning tomake the most of th还是most of the people 好像每一个读起来都很顺口顺口是顺口,但不对啊!到底哪种说法是对的呢?听节目找答案吧~ 👇 笔记:Most people / most of the people 大多数人Mos

【实⽤英语】⼤多数⼈是mostofpeople还是mostpeople?我们常说的「⼤多数⼈」到底是most people 还是most of people 还是most of the people 好像每⼀个读起来都很顺⼝ 顺I try to make time daily to check in on the people I love. Make the most of your precious relationships while you have them. It feels good to be there for someone, to he

most of people 大部分人们1. most people 大多数人tw.knowledge.yahoo|基于1 个网页2. 大部分的人关於most的差别,急!- Yahoo most of the people 那些MOST STUDENTS When speaking in general, we use most to refer to a quantity of an unspecific group of people or things. Below, most is a determiner

↓。υ。↓ Make the most of your life 这篇影评可能有剧透最后的台词挺好我想把电影最后的台词打出来,不去网络上搜索复制粘贴,而是重新退回去,手打出来。Some people amost of the people 和most people的区分安宁宁英语发布于:广东省2022.06.05 21:41 分享到热门视频01:25 专为木耳菌包转运定制_差速轮潜伏背负式AGV 01:19 力泰科技Vidya三维服


标签: clothes复数



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