

关于家庭的英语作文 2023-12-27 16:39 615 墨鱼


ˋ^ˊ 单词之于英语犹如骨骼之于人体,若无单词作为学习的基础,任何板块的学习无非瞎猫逮耗子。可即使意识到了单词的重要性,很多同学依旧不知道该怎么去背诵单词,最后关于”超市购物的优点“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Advantages of supermarket shopping。以下是关于超市购物的优点的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带

五、作文高分语料六、高频单词大全推荐一个背单词利器:扇贝单词App,大家快用起来,巨好用!!(官方篇1:在超市购物小学生英语作文在超市购物小学生英语作文Going shopping in the Hypermarket Tips: 1.Today is the Moon Festival, so my mother broght my s

超市的英语作文篇1 I like going to supermarket. I can buy many things in the supermarket. I can buy food, snack, book, drink, and clothes in it. Sometimes I can sit in正文方便的购物区超市大学英语作文supermarket-convenientshoppingareaeconomy,peopleslivingstandardhasbeenenormouslyimproved,peopleslivingstandard,super

去超市英语作文篇1 I went to the supermarket the other day with 10 yuan.I was a bit hungry,so I decided to buy a small pack of cookies which cost me初中超市购物英语作文范文第一篇Today, no matter where we go, we can find supermarket all the time, many years ago, there was no supermarket in my

≥▂≤ 去超市购物英语作文3篇连骨头的猪排porkchops卷好的腰部瘦肉rolledporkloin卷好的腰部瘦肉连带皮rolledporkbelly做香肠的绞肉porksausagemeatsmokedbacon小里肌肉porkfillet超市购物的英语作⽂1   Last Sunday, I went grocery shopping, and Tom. We intend to buy milk, and some stationery. Because milk drinking at home soon, and I have


标签: 我的朋友英语作文



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