

trader造句 2023-09-29 17:20 933 墨鱼


1.We like to go to the movies but we hate to wait in line for tickets. (我们喜欢去看电影,但是我们讨厌排队买票。2.I patiently waited in line until it was my turn1、Wait—waita moment. 2、Wait --waita moment. 3、Yellow light, yellow light,wait,wait,wait. 4、Wait,wait, it's a swordfish! 5、Wait,wait. One, two

That matter can wait.那件事可以暂时搁置一下.3.(常用进行时)已准备好[(+for)]Your dinner is waiting.你的晚餐已经做好了.4.服侍,伺候[(+on/upon/at)]We must ge用wait造句相关知识点:试题来源:解析不及物动词vi.1.等,等待[(+for)][+to-v]Dodge is waiting to have a word with you.道奇正等着和你说话.We're waiting for the bus

˙▂˙ wait造句如下:1、Then the long wait begins. 之后就是进入漫长的等待了。2、Wait a moment please. 请稍等一会儿。3、The old man has no one to wait on him. 那个老人wait造句复制1、All we can do now iswaitand hope.(我们现在所能做的就是等候和期待。2、wait, and it'll all blow over.(等等吧,事情总会过去的。3、Let'swaituntil

主页>造句>英语造句> wait造句,wait例句1、The old man has no one towaiton him、那个老人没有人服侍。2、I'mwaiting for James to arrive、我正等着詹姆斯的到来。3、wait造句1、Don't wait or rely on the approval of others.不要等待或依赖他们的鼓励。2、Again, we'll have to wait and see what the customers really do.我们也将观望


标签: wonder造句



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