
little more than,no little than

little 2023-12-07 12:50 532 墨鱼

little more than,no little than

难点2:A little more than kin, and less than kind. 国王在最后说:my cousin Hamlet, and my son-" 『我亲人哈姆雷特,也是我儿子—』哈姆雷特自然不同意这种占便宜的话,于是暗中短语有:little bit 一点点;little boy 小男孩;little more than adv. 仅仅是4、近义词:tiny adj. 极小的,微小的n. <非正式>幼童例句有:Each individual flower is tiny

2. little more (than):其意为“只”“只不过”。如:He was little more than a child when his father died. 他父亲去世时,他差不多还是个孩子。Aid to the Third World ino more than和no more …than…是比较容易混淆的两种表达方式,它们的意思有明显的不同,区别的关键是一个是否定的,一个是肯定的。否定表达根本不,完全不,与…一样不用来强

The meaning of LITTLE MORE THAN is not much more than (something) : only slightly more than (something). How to use little more than in a sentence.She left little more than an hour ago. 她离开一个多钟头了。Aid to the Third World is at present little more than a drop in the ocean. 目前对第三世界的援助不过是

“no/nothing/little more than”的变体释义:全部,和…一样[无差别] 1. Theprogrammewentfromstart-uptoroll-out inlittlemorethanayear,with thefirstidentitynumbersallolittle more thanphr. 和…无差别(一样),仅仅是,差不多no more than 和…一样不…more than1. 超过;多于2. 很,非常3. 不只是4. 在次以上more than表示“


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