
haveainfluenceon造句,influence on sb

influence with 2023-09-25 10:36 406 墨鱼
influence with

haveainfluenceon造句,influence on sb

Do seasons have an influence on the incidence of depression? The use of an internet search engine query data as a proxy of human aff Diet and the risk of breashave an influence on造句have an influence on造句The music of Mozart had a great influence on classical music in the 18th century. The teacher's positive attitude

influence n. 1.[C,U]影响,作用(+on/upon) 2.[U]影响力;势力,权势(+over/with) 3.[C]有影响的人(或事物);有权势者(for/on) v. 1.[T]影响have a glass too much 意为“喝醉2. 对……有很大影响写作支招:35个经典英语句型_写作支招be based on sth.: 以.……为基础have a great influence onsth.:对……有很大…joyen.net|基于29个网

have an influence on,意思是:对有影响;have influence on的on表示的是这个influence作用的对象。1.Many other medications have an influence on cholesterol levels. 许多其他have an influence on造句:1,Many other medications have an influence on cholesterol levels.许多其他的药物治

Lack of money will have an adverse effect on our research programme. 缺少资金将对我们的研究方案有不利影响。2、influence on:影响;对的影响;对有have influence on 对有影响例句:Training can also have influence on the team. 训练对球队同样产生影响。However, the success is really have influence on his m

ˋ^ˊ〉-# influence on造句1、Existentialism'sinfluence onShi Tiesheng. 2、A study on Buddhisminfluence onTaoism; 3、Chan Sect’sinfluence onliterature languaSinceStendhalisfaithfultothis,anddoesnotgiveuscharacterinblackandwhite,hehasproducedamasterpiece. 第2篇:英语摘抄小短文一、~the+~est+名词+(that)+主词+haveever+se


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