

helpsbwithsth用英语怎么说 2023-08-28 22:03 151 墨鱼


没有help sb sth的用法啊. 但是可以说:help sb do sth = help sb with sth = help sb to do sth 造一组同义句给楼主看一下:He helps me learn English. = He MymotherhelpsmewithmyEnglish.Myfriendhelpsmefinishtheproject.Hehelpsmetofinishmywork.Ninadecidetodoher

1. Helpsbdosth always helps me with my homework.2. I wish helpsbdosth could help me with my presentation.3. Helpsbdosth is known to provide excellent cu可以是help sb do sth 也可以是help sb to do sth。这里的to可以省略。希望我的答案对你有帮助用helpsbdotodosth造句1. It helps me to know that other women have the same p

网络帮某人做某事网络释义1. 帮某人做某事八年级下英语短语总结人教版- Haveameeting 开会Helpsbdosth帮某人做某事Helpsbwithsth 在方面帮助谁bbs.eduu.c用helpsbdosth造句用helpsbdosth造句英语人气:531 ℃时间:2019-09-21 06:49:21优质解答Sometimes I help my mother do the cooking.有时候我帮我母亲做饭.He

21.helpsbwith(doing)sth=helpsbdosth帮助某人干某事22.做…有困难,费劲干…Ihadahardtimelearningsciencelastyear.去年我学习科学很困难. 23.’tit?此刻交通help sb do sth造句help sb do sth 帮助某人做某事例句:He helps me clean the classroom.他帮我打扫教室. Sometimes I help my mother do the cooking.有时候我帮我母亲做

≥△≤ helpsbdosth造句5个My mother helps me with my ***.My friend helps me finish the project.He helps me to finish my work.Nina decide to do her homeworjoinin加入着重加入某种组织,团体,政党并成为其中一员。2,helpsbdosth/helpsbwithdoingsth帮助某人做某事3,begoodat=bewellin在……擅长,擅长于begoodfor对……有好处begoodwit


标签: helps的6种用法



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