

require例句 2023-09-25 13:45 355 墨鱼


1、His influence on the young generation was so great that they all followed his example. 他对年轻一代的影响力如此巨大,以致他们都学习他的榜样。2、His influence iinfluence作动词,意思是“影响,感化”;influence作名词,意思是“影响力,感化力”。作动词时,influence sb to do sth.“促使某人做某事”这是个比较常见的词组。例句:He is an influ

这句话,effect, affect, impact, influence 都ok。1. The pandemic has had a big negtive effect on the economy. 2. The pandemic has had a big impact on the economy. 3. Thinfluence英语造句,1、exert an influence on sb对某人施加影响2、You mentioned van Gogh as being an influence when you were young

6、Influence Hisinfluencemade me a better man. 7、He has a calminginfluence, a commandinginfluence. 8、Some of those willinfluenceSCA, others SCA mainfluence造句如下:1、For college students, to do a part-time job will exert a profound influence on their personality and life.做兼职对大学生的个性培养

⊙△⊙ influence influence造句:1. He's never had any influence over her. 他对她从没有过任何影响。2. Don't let me influence you either way. 何去何从都别受我的影响。3influence的优美例句1、This accident has a great influence on the little boy。这次事故对那个小男孩有很大的影


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