
tiptoe out,tiptoe翻译中文

tip toe翻译 2023-09-28 20:49 731 墨鱼
tip toe翻译

tiptoe out,tiptoe翻译中文

VERB 踮起脚走;蹑手蹑脚地走If you tiptoe somewhere, you walk there very quietly without putting your heels on the floor when you walk.She slipped out of bed and titiptoe的中文意思:作为名词时,中文意思有“脚尖”、“趾尖”;作为动词时,中文意思有“踮起脚走”、“蹑手蹑脚地走”;除此之外,tiptoe还有引申义,译为“踮着脚”。tiptoe的中文含

2.tiptoe 2. I am on thetiptoeof expectation for his coming. 我翘首以待他来。3.tiptoe在线翻译3. Many of us have a feet, If you do nottiptoeout, we walk. 我们很多tiptoe The tiptoe of an airbus How Cells Tiptoe on Adhesive Surfaces before Sticking Initiation of walk and tiptoe of a planar nine-link biped ☆ Tiptoe out of th

1. She slipped out of bed and tiptoed to the window. 她溜下床,蹑手蹑脚地走到窗户旁边。2. My mother would turn off the lights and tiptoe out. 母亲会tripout 英[trɪ'paʊt]美[trɪ'paʊt] n.断开(减弱) 分享单词到:

tiptoed tiptoed是什么意思,tiptoed怎么读语音:tiptoed 基本解释v.踮着脚走,蹑手蹑脚地走( tiptoe的过去式和过去分词);转弯抹角地谈论中文词源tiptoed 用法和例句提示:My mother would tuck me in,turn outthe lights and tiptoe out.───母亲会给我掖好被子,关上灯,然后蹑手蹑脚走出去。Don't lose heart, all willturn ou


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