

用enough造句 2023-08-30 04:44 668 墨鱼


单词sometimes 例句大全,用单词sometimes造句:It makes the instrument soundsometimeslike a mandolin,sometimeswhimsical like banjo. 琵琶琴声时而像曼陀林,时而又像奇I sometimes give photographs.我的妻子已经把那些编制的东西作为礼物,我有时送一些图表。28、Dolphins sometimes play in the wake of the boats.海豚有时跟着船只的尾波戏

give的短语造句1. Give in: Sometimes it's better to give in and compromise rather than argue endlessly. 2. Give up: Don't give up on your dreams, keep pushing for用give+sometimes造句?Please give me the book. (Please give the book to me. )

用sometimes造句1.Sometimes I feel like I'm in a rut, going through the motions of life without any real purpose. 2.Sometimes I just want to give up and not care 39、Sometimes environments constrain those people andsometimesenvironments give those people opportunity. 40、Her work issometimesromantic,sometimes

Sometimes,I play the piano after school.有时,放学后我弹钢琴.We will stay here for some time.我们要在这儿待一段时间.He called me some times but I wasgive (sometimes) 2Write sentences.根据给出的时间状语用所给的词造句。1. put up (tomorrow)2. bring (yesterday)3. teach (this Saturday)4. walk (every day)5. give (s

some meat to关键词(句):sometimes: 有时,间或give sb sth: 给某人某物翻译:有时我们给他一些肉。根据题干可知,本题是一般现在时。sometimes的意思是“有时”,give的意思是“Sometimes,God does not give you what you want,it is not because you do not deserve it but for the better。有时候,上天没有给你想要的,不是因为你不配,


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