
look after的同义句,important用法

否定同义句 2023-12-26 09:48 416 墨鱼

look after的同义句,important用法

38.Dongyang is so young that he can’t look after himself.同义句Dongyang is ___ young ___ look after himself. 39.Lily is 1.50 meters tall.Lucy is 1.50 meters tall, too.合并为一句Li1. look after = take care of 照顾2. keep healthy=stay healthy 保持健康3. exercise=take(much)exercise=do sports锻炼3. the same as 与什么相同(反义词)be different fr

您好,look after 指照顾,同义句可为take care of sth(sb)若指对小孩的照顾可为babysit 如:I look aftre my brother=I take care of my brother=I babysit my答案解析查看更多优质解析解答一举报look after=take care of 照顾,照料解析看不懂?免费查看同类题视频解析查看解答更多答案(4) 相似问题Look after的

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1.Thisroomissmallerthanthatone.(改为同义句) Thisroomisnotbigthatone. 2.Mymotheristoobusytohavetimetoplaywithme.(改为同义句) Mymotherisbusyshedoesn’look after的同义词是take care of。take care of 词义:动词:照顾;注意;抚养;处理;负责;保管;非正式>为某


标签: important用法



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