

anew student翻译 2023-11-20 20:04 603 墨鱼
anew student翻译



≡(▔﹏▔)≡ 对了,”他说,“笔的目光也是最敏锐的。而

NOTICEThe sports meeting which is to take place this Friday and Saturday has fo be put off because of the heavy rain these students are required to 16. A strange thing ___ in our school yesterday. A. was happened B. has been happened C. happened D. was going to happen 17. He will stop showing off

在学校我总是过得很开心。望采纳B)Send him to an after-school art class. C)Forbid him to draw in his workbook D)Help him post his drawings onlinc. Q2what did the restaurant, Number

这是翻译达人秀的第247 篇文章BBC: A Chinese primary school teacher has taught his students the 'shuffle' dance in an effort to make them more motivated and to keep f学校;学院school/college 4 [only before noun] (BrE) (of a school or part of a school 学校或学校的一部分) 为11或13岁以下儿童设立的for children under the age of

也可以叫做:school bully violence:n.猛烈;暴力;暴行;强暴;冒犯;破坏例子:Rape is sexualized violence. 强奸是一种与性有关的暴力行为。He was swift to condemn the violence/1.Hensley School is going to ( hold )football( match )Mayfair school. 2.The football match is held (


标签: fell翻译



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