

twist造句 2023-12-30 20:39 853 墨鱼


再多许渊冲,这当然不仅仅是一个文学接受史的故事;却是一种翻译观念在更宏大的脉络下的流传,嬗变与延14、subjected to outrageous cruelty; ahideouspattern of injustice; horrific conditions in the mining industry. 15、The Thenardiers had remained with

outrageous 英[aʊt‘reɪdʒəs]美[aʊt‘redʒəs] adj. 粗暴的;可恶的;令人吃惊的中文词源outrageous 愤怒的,骇人的来自outrage,愤怒,愤慨。英文词源pass through造句1、pass through; pass by 2、Let lightpass through. 3、Of course, a can pass between,pass through, the membrane. 4、You shouldpass th

4、noticeably (sometimes outrageously) modern. 5、being injured unjustly or outrageously. 6、conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible. 75、I felt as if I had made anoutrageoushowler.(我觉得自己似乎犯了个不可容忍的低级错误。6、The Tigers'outrageoustactics should come as no surprise.(猛虎组织无法

1. outrageous的近义词1. The princess spent an outrageous amount on clothes. 公主在穿著上挥霍无度。outrageous 网络解释1. 肆无忌惮:这个强势的制作组合,为布兰妮量My boss was outrageous and fired me.我得老板很愤怒,我被开除了。I can't afford this outrageous price.我出不起这么高的价钱。The and arrows of outrageous fortune

∪▽∪ adj.+n. outrageous behaviour,outrageous behavior,outrageous price 权威英汉双解英汉英英网络释义outrageous 显示所有例句adj. 1. 骇人的;无法容忍的very shocking aNo matter what you wear on Monday, the day is going to be blazingly fun -- so you might as well wear something outrageous. 不管你周一穿啥,这一天都是分外耀眼,所以


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