
create global temporary table,createview语句

target和goal的区别 2023-01-14 00:55 537 墨鱼

create global temporary table,createview语句

创建语法:createglobaltemporarytable临时表名( 列名数据类型, )oncommitdeleterows; 也可以直接:createglobaltemporarytable临时表名as(select结果集);"SYS") n SQLCODE,%msg &sql( CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE TempEmp ( EMPNUM INT NOT NULL, NAMELAST CHAR(30) NOT NULL, NAMEFIRST CHAR(30) NOT NULL, CO

CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE my_temp_table ( id NUMBER, description VARCHAR2(20) ) ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS; -- Insert, but don't commit, then check contents of GTT刚刚工作时遇到过一个问题,用临时表导初始化数据,存储过程执行成功,但是正式表中一直没有数据。发现是因为建临时表时create global temporary table TABLE_A (

CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE tab_name ( ) ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS/ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS; CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE XX.tab_name ON COMMIT DEThe CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE statement creates a description of a temporary table at the current server. Each session that selects from a crea

(ˉ▽ˉ;) set schema myapp; create table t1(c11 int, c12 date); declare global temporary table SESSION.t1(c11 int) not logged;-- The SESSION qualification is redundant hereCREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE table_name ( column1 datatype [ NULL | NOT NULL ], column2 datatype [ NULL | NOT NULL ], column_n datatype [ NULL | NOT NULL ] )

CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS; (2)事务特有的临时表CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY ) ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS; CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLESQL> create global temporary table t_global_temp(a int) on commit preserve rows; Table created. SQL> insert into t_global_temp values(1); 1 row creat


标签: createview语句



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