
from怎么造句,get up怎么造句

from后面的句子是什么句子 2023-12-31 22:08 383 墨鱼

from怎么造句,get up怎么造句

用from造句1. From what I can see, you're doing a great job. 2. From now on, I will make sure to double-check my work before submitting it. 3. From my experience,例如:be interested in , in trouble , begin to do sth. , want to do sth. , talk to sb. , would like to, help sb. with sth. , from then on , catch up with , with one’s h

>▽< 1、Far from eye,far fromheart. 2、It'sfar fromperfect. 3、Notfar fromDongguan. 4、Spain isfar fromhere. 5、I'mfar froma hater. 6、I'mfar fromhappy t单词FROM 例句大全,用单词FROM造句:AAL Flight 888fromNew York has been delayed owning to engine trouble. 从纽约飞来的美航888号班机由于机械故障晚点了。A nodfroma l

1、Icome fromOttawa. 2、Be derived from;come from;originate from 3、D. Icome fromAmerica. 4、Where do miragescome from? 5、Where do aromascome from?from造句如下:1. Mist ascended from the valley. 薄雾从山谷升起。2. We worked from sunup to sunset. 我们从日出工作到日落。3. She saved him from drowning. 她救了

造句大全关联词造句复制1、Grandma wasfromScotland.(奶奶来自苏格兰。2、He is sufferingfromexhaustion.(他精疲力竭。3、She felt sickfromtiredness.(她累得浑身不对劲。4、Profitfro1.People came from all over the world to view her work.人们从世界各地涌来欣赏她的作品。2.People came from al

ˋ^ˊ from造句1、Borrowfrom; rentfrom 2、branchfromdivergefrom 3、Be derivedfrom; comefrom;originatefrom 4、dischargefrom; let gofrom 5、-ExcerptsfromPfar from 1.远离The railway station isfar from here.火车站离这里很远。Shanghai is not far fromhere.上海离这儿不远。2.远远不;完全不;非但不…反而The


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