
be absent from school,prove

arrive 2023-09-24 22:06 300 墨鱼

be absent from school,prove

The taboos and deeply rooted practices also have a negative impact on girls’right to education, since girls canbe absent from schoolduring menstruation, either be absent from school 没来学校上课例句:I was happy to be absent from school. 上学缺课我可真高兴。She might be ill, for she is absent from school. 她没有来上学,

>△< be absent from造句1. He was absent from school today because he was unwell. 2. She was absent from the meeting due to an emergency. 3. They were absent from the be absent from school.旷课,没去学校absent adj.缺席的;不在的;缺乏的vt.使缺席例句用作形容词(adj.)Professor Li is absent, I will take the lesson in

(`▽′) schooln. (鱼、鲸等水族动物的)群;队。a school be absent from school for several days缺几天课absent from不在,缺席;离开;缺席,不在;缺席,不在场;专心于…be aabsentfrom缺席……魔法背知识◇beabsentfrom◇ beabsentfrom beabsentin absentfromabsentoneselffrom 魔法背知识◇absence◇ absencefromabsenceofmindintheabsenceofleave

I can't afford to be absent from school. 我不能不上学。ebigear She might be ill, for she is absent from school. 她没有来上学,可能是病了。cn.qikan If美英na.缺课英汉na. 1. 缺课


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