
let sth adj,let sb后面可以接形容词吗

let's do sth 2023-11-28 23:13 790 墨鱼
let's do sth

let sth adj,let sb后面可以接形容词吗

一般情况下,let后面很少直接用形容词做宾补。但有时也可以;sports helps【let(=make)you smart】祝你开心如意!Let sb. /sth.adj./adv. /介词短语第一个是省略to 的不定式做宾补第二个是形容词,副词,

(`▽′) 27. die [daɪ] v. 死亡- dead [ded] adj. 死亡的-death [deθ] n. 死亡28. make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事29. ask sb. to do sth. 让某人做某事30. mak10. let sb not do sth 让某人不做某事Let him not stand in the rain. 让他不要站在雨中。11. why don’t you do sth?你怎么不做某事呢?Why don’t you play football with us?

●﹏● it is +adj+of sb +to do sth (adj修饰sb) It is kind/ friendly/ nice of you to help me. 12. 感叹句:How+adj+主谓!How+adj+a/an +n单+主谓!What+ a/an +一、let sb do sth.“让某人做某事”,如:Let's have a break.让我们休息一下吧。It's time for the class. Let's go to the classroom.上课的时间到了,我们进教室吧。二、由“le

一般情况下,let后面很少直接用形容词做宾补。但有时也可以;Sports helps【let(=make) you smart】祝你开心如意!have sth done 请/让某人做某事;招致或遭遇到(不好的事情) have sb adj. 使/让/某人处于…的状态It had the salesmen busy around. 3. let let sb do sth 让

Let / Make / Have / Getf t pThe following is a mini-tutorial on the use of the causative verbs "let," "make," "have," and "get." After you have studied the tutoriUnit 5 Topic 1 【重点词组】1. invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事2.one of +形容词最高级+ 名词复数3. say thanks/hello/sorry/good-bye to sb.向某人致


标签: let sb后面可以接形容词吗



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