
how beautiful pictures they are,Howbeautiful用法

how do they look 2023-12-16 12:45 483 墨鱼
how do they look

how beautiful pictures they are,Howbeautiful用法

how beautiful pictures they are! 里面有两个主语——pictures和they. 这是主语重复使用。于是必须要删除一个,由于句子是想说明pictures are beautiful, 于是我1. They │painted │the door │green.他们把门漆成绿色. 2. They │found │the house │deserted.他们发现那房子无人居住. 3. What │makes │him │think

A: What beautiful pictures ! B: No , they’re not pictures . 1. . A: Stamps? 2. ? B: They are used for posting letters . A: 3. ? B: I’ve got more than 700 of them . A: 4. ? B: I’用What或How填空。1.___ a good boy!2.___ beautiful pictures they are!3.___ happy the children are!4.___ boring the film is!5.___ bad rice it is!6.__

zhidao.baidu|基于1 个网页3. 多美啊'how How beautiful you are! 你好漂亮啊!How beautiful they are!多美啊!How beautiful it is! 多么美丽呀! juk1第1题These are the pictures we took during this trip. A.Oh, what beautiful pictures they areB.Oh, how beautiful pictures

How beautiful pictures (they are)! 有用请采纳Why do people take pictures? I think they take pictures since they want to capture the moment, maybe it’s because they are happy, maybe it’s beca


标签: Howbeautiful用法



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