

belove造句 2023-11-17 19:01 305 墨鱼


over造句复制1、She climbedoverthe wall.(她翻过墙去。2、My spreadsheet keeps fallingover.(我的电子制表软件不断出故障。3、We'll discuss itoverlunch.(我们吃午l did my homework overnight yesterday-我昨天一整晚都在写作业.

overnight造句简单带翻译overnight造句并翻译1、Store in the refrigerator to marinateovernightor minimum of 4 hours for best results. 存放在冰箱,腌泡一晚或至少4个小2、Sit around under sunshades. Over afterover. 3、Beover-cautious; be frightened allover 4、It'sover, darling, it's allover. 5、Men stumbleoverpebbl

单词over 例句大全,用单词over造句:She was so glad and surprised she took it right into her arms, and thanked himoverandover. 她又惊又喜,把鱼抱在怀里,一再道谢。4. He deliberated with them over that question.他和他们商量了那个问题。5. That depends on how you tackle the problem.那取决于你如何处理这个问题。6. He teaches Esp

The wind had strengthened overnight.夜里,风更大了。The city was conquered overnight.那座城市在夜里被攻克。T中文翻译与英英解释短语和例子This hat cost over £5. 这顶帽子花了五镑多。over all 从这头到那头;〔废语〕到处,处处。over and above 远远超过…以上;加之。over my d

13、My back has stiffened (up)overnight. 14、You can't turn slugs into starsovernight. 15、I suggest you stayovernighthere for more examinations. 161、The weather remained calm overnight .翻译:整晚都悄然无风。2、The rules are not going to change overnight


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