

present当动词的用法 2022-12-25 13:14 489 墨鱼


present 还可作“赠送,给予”解,此时多接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转化为介词to的宾语。扩展资料present是什么意思英语单词present有多层含义: 1、做形容词时,它的意思是现Present (noun) is another word to mean gift. Something you give to someone for a special occasion – like a birthday. present作为(名词)是礼物的另一种说法。你在特殊场合

present用法例句1、The carpet was a wedding present from the Prime Minister. 这张地毯是首相送的结婚礼物。2、They said the present system of militar让我们学习present这个词的一些常见用法。Firstly, present as a noun is another word to mean gift. Something you give to someone for a special occasi

o(?""?o 用法总结1. “Present”作名词用,可以表示“礼物”,相当于“gift”。What's the best present you've ever received? I love it when people give me presents. 2. 名词“pre而present的用法则更为具体,特指一些切切实实拿在手里能展示的礼物。二者单就“礼物”的含义来说,gift侧重于表达礼物的分量以及送礼人的诚意,一般指上级或同级所赠的礼物;而prese

Gift表示礼物时,使用范围更广,你可以说:Gift box/card/wrap 但就不能说presentbox/card/wrap 装礼物的盒子/礼物卡片/礼物包装纸gift[ɡɪft] n. 礼物;赠2、The present crisis is worse than any that have gone before. 目前的危机比以往任何一次危机都严重。3、It's a present for one of my children. 这是送给我的一个孩子的礼物

二、n. (名词) 1、present 用作“现在,目前”解时,通常与定冠词the 连用,只用作单数名词。2、present 作“礼物”解时,一般指亲友间互送的“礼物”或“赠品”,多是出于好I'd like to present you a gift.我想给你送一个礼物。gift 也可以作为动词,意思是“白送;赋予;赐予;馈赠”。She was gifted with a good voice.她被赐予了一副好嗓子。He gif


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